Dorema Surgery


We run all our surgeries by an appointment only system. Appointments can be booked by telephoning the surgery prior to the day you wish to be seen.

We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice but if they are not available we may ask you to see another doctor.

We offer emergency appointments each day.  Should you require on of these appointments, please telephone the surgery at 8.00am.  Please note these are emergency appointments only.

If you are too ill to come to the surgery and you require a visit at home, please call the surgery before 10am. Home visits take up much more of a doctor’s time than a consultation in the surgery, so if you are mobile please come into the surgery to be seen.

Port Glasgow Health Centre Treatment Room

You may now be asked to have some routine procedures such as blood tests and injections carried out at the Port Glasgow Health Centre treatment room.

This can be arranged by telephoning 01475 497120.

For patients who are elderly or with reduced mobility, we have a limited number of in-house appointments available at the practice which can be booked by calling us.


Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 9th May, 2024